Niket Malviya

Niket is a poet, a screenwriter, an editor, a passionate filmmaker, a part time actor, and a teacher. In short he is a jack of all trades, but master of none. He started filmmaking with an orientation project from his Communications class. And much later, made his first short film in 2016 with JUMP. He…

Pradumn R. Chourey

इनके लेखन की शुरुआत नज़्मों से हुई और धीरे-धीरे अफ़सानों और ग़ज़लों तक पहुंची। यह कहते हुए अजीब लगता है किंतु सत्य है के एक मजबूरी के चलते इन्होने अपने जीवन की पहली नज़्म लिखी थी। लेकिन आज लेखन इनकी आदत में है। पत्र-पत्रिकाओं में लिखते रहने के साथ-साथ कुछ शॉर्ट-फिल्म्स, एड्स एवं गीत भी…

Ankit Pandey

Ankit Pandey

Ankit doesn’t consider himself as a writer but rather, an explorer. He has been writing for about 3 years. He comes from a village near Satna, MP, where it is rare that people get a government job. So he set out to do something different through his art and now is planning to make it…